Sunday, July 8, 2012

Starting to say goodbye to Spokane...

As we start to wind down here in Spokane and think about possibly moving back to Iowa in August, we know goodbyes are in order.  Today was our first goodbye as we saluted farewell to Riverfront Park.  Before moving here, we went online and checked out the city trying to find cool places to visit.  Sawyer saw a park with "running robots" and it became top of our priority list to visit.  Our second day here we visited the park (see more at First Visit to Riverfront ).  We later found out the running robots are actually running people to represent a huge annual race here in Spokane called Bloomsday.  Sawyer still loves these running people and he got his last shots with them.


Awesome splash pad!

You can press a button and feed this goat trash.  He inhales it into a dumpster behind him!
Huge Radio Flyer slide

Of course, we chose the hottest day to spend 3 hours outside!

GOODBYE RIVERFRONT PARK!!!!!!!  You were swell!!

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