Simple games are part of every day life, |
housewives utilize wind energy for personal benefit, |
farm animals depend on you, |
strange creatures roam the yard, |
barns provide hidden playplaces, |
crafts by kids are made from God's creation, |
breakfast is as fresh as fresh can be, |
beings of curiosity abound, |
yards are made for fun, |
sunflowers steal solar space, |
workbenches can look like this, |
you can work on your own machines in your own yard, |
chores are actually chores, |
little people can help no matter how small, |
and long days end with a book and a nap! |
Good to be with the Danforth family today!
Your captions are so poetic. :~)
ReplyDeletelove all these pictures!
ReplyDeleteNice pictures!