The Danforth Christian Academy presses on!
Charting the pilgrim's voyage, "Our History: How and Why we came to America". We're learning about time lines in math, so this teacher thought "Why not throw in some history too?!" |
Elaina's interpretation of England in 1532. King Henry the 8th separates from the Catholic church and establishes the Puritan church so he can get a divorce from his wife. |
Sawyer's interpretation of the Separatist church founded by Pilgrims in 1600 and their consequential oppression from the King. |
Some of Sawyer's sight and phonics words. |
"Chasse-Mouche" or "Fly Swatter" is a game I learned while student teaching. I say a word and the first student to hit the word gets a point! |
Show and Tell at the end of the day. Sawyer made this rubber band gun out of a stick, rubber bands, and a clothespin. |
I was pretty impressed! I actually works! |
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Elaina's Show and Tell. Piper and Kyper are her Bess Beatles from Science Class. |
Teacher's Show and Tell. I found this thorn on a bush shortly after dedicating my life to Christ in Cameroon. I keep it in my Bible because it reminds me of His sacrifice for me. |
"For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning is shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:2
Excellent post, Anna. Keep up the great work of teaching. Praying for decisions you have.