Here at the Danforth Christian Academy, we don't know what squid soup taste like, but we want to find out! We learned about the Phuan people in Thailand who do not have a Bible in their own language. We don't know much about Thailand, but thankfully we have friends who do! Jason and Doni Weimer work in Thailand and we found pictures of interesting soups and foods on their
blog . We aren't sure if the Bibless Phuan people of Thailand eat squid soup, but it WAS fun to learn more about the food and culture of other Thai people where Jason and Doni work. Whatever our Phuan friends across the ocean may be eating today, we count it a privilege to pray that someday they get the Bible translated in their own language as we pray our way through
"Akebu to Zapotec, A Book of Bibless Peoples".
Writing Jason and Doni with questions about Thailand |
Our map of Bibless people groups. Here are the Phuan of Thailand and Chut of Vietnam. |
Brokpa (Bhutan) and Hrusso (India) |
Gusilay (Senegal), Kulango (Ivory Coast), Akebu (Togo), Ngizim (Nigeria),
Fania (Chad), Jumjum (Sudan), Libido (Ethiopia) |
Ica (Colombia) |
Melanau (Malaysia), Osing (Indonesia), Elkei (PNG) |
Final questions for Jason and Doni |
Checking out Jason and Doni's blog |
Fun Fact: I grew up praying through the prequel to this book, "From Arapesh to Zuni" and most of those 26 people groups now have part of the Bible in their own language, so Wycliffe Bible Translators had to write this new book for Elaina and Sawyer's generation to pray through. By God's grace and power, I pray that my children's children will be praying through a third book that Wycliffe will have to write!